Written resource
ORGANISATION: MS Society of Canada, National MS Society USA

About the resource

People with multiple sclerosis (MS) may find that the physical, psychological and spiritual challenges of living with MS can be overwhelming. Some may feel that the challenges are very hard to face day after day. However, many people living with chronic diseases, including MS, have learned that practicing behaviors that promote resilience is the secret to not just coping with the disease, but thriving with it. Resilience helps create a mindset of growth and opportunities, of seeing obstacles as challenges rather than threats.

Some people have a natural tendency to be resilient. It’s part of their makeup to be optimistic and to look for solutions to problems. But even if that’s not the case for you, strategies to build resilience can be learned and practiced.

This booklet by the National MS Society USA, provides an overview of the leading theories of resilience, as well
as the positive changes that building resilience can create in one’s life. It also outlines practical strategies for developing greater resilience. At the back of this book, you’ll find resources for learning even more about this topic.

Published: 2016

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We're very grateful to the MS Society of Canada for uploading this resource. If you have any questions or feedback on it, please contact the MS Society of Canada.

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