Tag: research
McDonald Fellowships
MSIF's McDonald Fellowships fund 2-year research placements for early career researchers from low- and middle-income countries.
Se anuncian los beneficiarios de las becas McDonald de 2024
Researchers from Malawi and Argentina awarded the 2024 McDonald Fellowships
MSIF member organisations work together to accelerate progress towards cures for MS
Two new publications emphasise global research collaboration across the MSIF movement.
Cykelnerven 2019
Each year, seasoned riders from around the world take on over 400km of the toughest climbs from the Tour De France just weeks before the official race. It's the ride that every cyclist dreams of, but only the toughest can complete.
Global MS research fellowships
A selection of fellowships and grants open to MS researchers around the world
Du Pré Grants
MSIF Du Pré Grants enable multiple sclerosis researchers and clinicians to undertake short placements in established MS research centres and clinics
El tabaquismo y la esclerosis múltiple
Smoking increases your risk of developing MS – both as a smoker and through passive smoking. Learn more about the impact of smoking on MS.
In the lab with Dr. Kshiteeja Jain
In conversation with a female MS researcher for International Women’s Day
Las organizaciones de esclerosis múltiple se comprometen a compartir una estrategia mundial de investigación para acelerar el descubrimiento de una cura para la esclerosis múltiple
Agreement seeks to coordinate resources on the highest potential research
Why is it important for people affected by MS to be actively involved in research?
New survey launched by the International Progressive MS Alliance
Beneficiarios de las becas McDonald y Du Pré 2022
MSIF is proud to announce the recipients of the 2022 McDonald Fellowships and Du Pré Grants, from Mongolia, Brazil, Argentina and India.
Terapia innovadora con células madres para formas progresivas de esclerosis múltiple
Results from the first clinical trial using neural stem cells to treat people with MS
Mejorar la colaboración mundial para la detección temprana y prevención de la esclerosis múltiple
Research priorities identified to help better understand the MS prodrome
¿Qué es un biomarcador?
Biomarkers is a term that often comes up when we talk about MS treatment and clinical trials - but what are they and why are they important?
Hablemos acerca de la mielina
To stop MS, we need treatments that repair damage to the protective myelin coating around nerves.
En el laboratorio con la Dra. María José Ulloa Navas
Step into the lab and meet Dr María José Ulloa Navas, a talented MS researcher from Ecuador. María José spoke with MSIF about her career so far, what drives her, and how she helps people affected by MS in her home country of Ecuador.
La prevalencia y la gravedad de la esclerosis múltiple en todo el mundo: ¿pueden las investigaciones nuevas explicar los patrones?
Studies provide insight into the links between MS prevalence, severity, latitude and healthcare spending
Cómo resolver el misterio de la progresión: la clave de los nuevos tratamientos para la esclerosis múltiple progresiva
Catch up with the latest webcast on unraveling the mystery of progression and identifying new targets for treatments
Arreglar un sistema imperfecto a través de las voces de los que han vivido la experiencia
Find out more about the Global PROMS Initiative - Patient Reported Outcomes for MS
Desafíos a los que se enfrentan las investigaciones en EM
Thousands of scientists are undertaking research into all aspects of MS, furthering our understanding of the disease and how to prevent, treat and manage it.
Una actualización de la iniciativa mundial de intercambio de datos de esclerosis múltiple. ¡Gracias!
When we come together, we can find answers, quickly, to global MS challenges.
Investigadores consolidan el vínculo entre el virus de Epstein-Barr (VEB) y el riesgo de desarrollar EM
Does EBV cause MS?
Resultados de la encuesta sobre las prioridades de investigación de la EM para las revisiones sistemáticas de Cochrane
The research questions identified as priority topics by over 1000 people affected by MS and healthcare professionals
2021 McDonald Fellowships and Du Pré Grant recipients announced
MSIF is proud to announce the recipients of the 2021 McDonald Fellowships and Du Pré Grants, from Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, Iran, and Tunisia
Ganador del premio Young Investigator Award 2021
Dr Giacomo Boffa receives the 2021 Young Investigator Award on his project on using aHSCT in individuals with secondary progressive MS
¿Cómo responden las personas con EM a las vacunas contra la COVID-19?
What does research tell us about how DMTs affect the body’s immune response to COVID-19 vaccines?
¿El ejercicio puede reducir la progresión de la esclerosis múltiple?
Resistance exercise increases the thickness of the brain cortex in some people with MS
Diagnóstico: hacerlo pronto y bien
Diagnosis of MS is getting faster and more efficient but new research suggests there are still ways to improve diagnosis
El profesor Alan Thompson gana el prestigioso premio Charcot de EM
Professor Thompson wins the 2021 lifetime achievement award for outstanding research into the understanding and treatment of MS
Respuesta a las preguntas sobre el tratamiento y la investigación de la EM progresiva: ¡Ver en español!
Watch the International Progressive MS Alliance webcast
Esclerosis Múltiple y depresión: análisis de la relación
This article delves into the land of genetics, explaining the method called ‘Mendelian randomisation’, which scientists use to learn about links between genes and disease.
Clinical research and trials
Research and clinical trials are taking place around the world, trying to find and improve treatments for MS
Anunciamos a los beneficiarios de las becas McDonald y las subvenciones Du Pré de 2020
MSIF is proud to announce the recipients of the 2020 McDonald Fellowships and Du Pré Grants, from Iran, Zambia, Brazil, Turkey, and Argentina
Ganadora del Premio Jóvenes Investigadores 2020
Helen Onuorah receives the 2020 Young Investigator Award on her project "Racial inequalities in MS research participation"
Mitocondrias con gran energía: una posible vía para tratar la EM progresiva
New research funded by the International Progressive MS Alliance looks at ways that nerve fibres protect themselves from damage.
Stichting MS Research celebra su 40 cumpleaños
Stichting MS celebrates 40 years of MS research with a campaign on resilience. The Dutch MS organisation has partnered with local researchers and the UK MS Society to put their work in the spotlight.
MS research awards: deadline extended to 31 August
Un nuevo mapa cambia la comprensión de las células inmunitarias del cerebro
A new international study has mapped a type of immune cell, the microglia, in the human and mouse brain for the first time. Microglia are thought to play a role in the progression of MS. This research has changed the understanding of how these cells function, and has important implications for MS.
Un tratamiento intensivo temprano ofrece mejores resultados
New study shows that early use of high efficacy treatment for MS improves long term disability outcomes, rather than starting on a moderately effective therapy and escalating to a stronger medication.
Las alergias alimentarias pueden estar relacionadas a más recaídas de EM
In a recent study, scientists have shown that people with MS who have food allergies are more likely to experience clinical attacks and lesions in the brain than those without allergies or with other allergies that are unrelated to food.
El próximo Atlas de la EM está en camino
MSIF’s Atlas of MS with new data on the number of people living with MS across the world, and the challenges they face.
Publicados los resultados del ensayo con células madre
A trial has compared a cancer chemotherapy to MS treatments, but further research is needed to understand how effective the treatment is in comparison to other MS treatments.
Estudio de las sustancias químicas medioambientales que podrían influir en la EM
976 chemicals were screened to assess their impact on MS.
Los avances en la investigación incrementan los cambios en el tratamiento de la EM
Studies show that improved MS medications and advances in MRI technology have led to an increased rate of doctors changing courses of MS treatment and a reduced tolerance of any sign of disease activity, with doctors more readily switching treatments in cases of low disease activity.
Se ha dado a conocer la ganadora del premio para jóvenes investigadores, Young Investigators Award 2018.
MSIF is pleased to announce the winner of this year’s Young Investigators Award: Dr Silke Häusser-Kinzel.
Se anuncian los ganadores del Fellowship McDonald y las becas Du Pre de 2018
MSIF is proud to announce the recipients of the 2018 McDonald fellowships and Du Pre grants
La Fundación Holandesa de Investigación de la EM forma parte de un proyecto de investigación de 15 millones de euros
The ‘Immune balance’ partnership unites health charities, the government, scientists and corporate bodies in a joint effort to improve understanding of the immune system in chronic immune diseases like MS.
ARSEP asigna 1,6 millones de euros a propuestas de investigación sobre EM
The Scientific Committee of the French MS Research Support Foundation (ARSEP) has selected recipients for its annual research grants and fellowships.
MS Ireland publica un nuevo e interesante informe sobre investigación
MS Ireland took World MS Day as an opportunity to launch a pioneering research report, designed to help Ireland become a world leader in MS research.
Bringing Us Closer: Día Mundial de la EM 2018
World MS Day will take place on 30 May. The 2018 campaign is called Bringing Us Closer and the theme is Research.
La exposición solar puede alterar el riesgo y el desarrollo de la enfermedad en la fase inicial de la EM
New research shows that sun exposure over a lifetime can change the course of MS.
Applications for MSIF Fellowships and Grants now open
The deadline for applications for McDonald fellowships and Du Pré Grants is 30 June 2018
Publicación del conjunto de herramientas y del mapa de eventos para el Día Mundial de la EM de 2018
Tools for the #bringinguscloser campaign for World MS Day 2018 are now available to download.
Argentina premia a investigadores de la EM
The Association for the Fight Against MS (ALCEM) presents the Miguel Pablo Gallardo award and the Proyecto Investigación (Research Project) award.
Aprobado en Europa el primer tratamiento para la EM primaria progresiva
The European Commission has approved the first disease-modifying therapy, ocrelizumab, for early primary progressive MS (PPMS).
MSIF anuncia a los ganadores de las becas McDonald y las subvenciones Du Pre de 2017
MSIF is proud to announce the recipients of the 2017 McDonald fellowships and Du Pre grants
Inflamación y ansiedad: ¿qué relación tienen?
Chemistry of brain inflammation linked to mood changes in MS
El Profesor Per Soelberg Sørensen gana el prestigioso premio Charcot a la investigación de la esclerosis múltiple
Prof. Sørensen, one of the world’s prominent clinical neurologists in multiple sclerosis, recognised for lifetime achievement in improving understanding and treatment of MS.
La Alianza celebra una reunión fundamental en Londres
A meeting of minds took place at the recent International Progressive MS Alliance event in London
¿Los medicamentos antiinflamatorios retrasan la discapacidad en la esclerosis múltiple secundaria progresiva?
A new study recently published uses ‘real-world’ data to investigate the effects of disease modifying therapies on secondary progressive MS
Terapias alternativas: necesidad de recabar más datos
A review shows complementary therapies are yet to be proven for MS
Nuevo premio para los investigadores que estudian las causas de la esclerosis múltiple en todo el mundo
MSIF and the Dutch MS Research Foundation launch Global MS Research Booster Award for researchers studying the cause of MS
El director ejecutivo de MS Research Australia celebra el importante papel de las nuevas tecnologías para transformar la vida de las personas que tienen esclerosis múltiple
Matthew Miles, Chief Executive of MS Research Australia, shared insights on how technology is revolutionising research, treatment, diagnosis, and more
La muerte por asistencia médica en la esclerosis múltiple
Survey results show a high hypothetical interest in physician-assisted death in people with MS
Últimas noticias destacadas de la investigación sobre la EM en la conferencia francesa
French MS organisation ARSEP celebrates 26th annual conference
Resultados a largo plazo tras un AHSCT en la EM
International study looks at long-term progression in people with MS following stem cell therapy
La influencia del origen étnico en la progresión de la enfermedad
North African ethnicity is found to be a significant predictor of fast progression
Las células T reguladoras promueven la remielinización
Researchers uncover a molecule that promotes regeneration of myelin
EM Irlanda actúa
MS Ireland launches two major new publications on early treatment and diagnosis of MS
Primer tratamiento autorizado para la EM progresiva primaria en los EE. UU.
Ocrelizumab has been approved as a treatment for both relapsing and primary progressive MS in the US
Los neurofilamentos están relacionados con la discapacidad y la reducción de volumen cerebral en la EM
Study suggests neurofilament levels may be used as a marker of damage to brain cells in MS
No hay relación entre los fármacos anticonceptivos orales y las recidivas de EM
Use of oral hormonal contraceptive drugs does not appear to be associated with greater risk of relapses
CCSVI: Latest findings show no association to multiple sclerosis
The latest and most thorough studies do not show an association between CCSVI and MS
Seguridad y efectividad a largo plazo de la fampridina
Researchers find fampridine safe and effective in the long term for improving walking speed
Factores de riesgo derivados del estilo de vida en la progresión de la esclerosis múltiple
Low vitamin D levels and smoking consistently associated with MS progression
La deficiencia cognitiva y la concentración de sodio en la sustancia gris
Advanced MRI shows sodium concentration in gray matter better explains cognition than atrophy in MS
Un tratamiento temprano favorece a las personas que padecen un primer brote que se asemeja a la EM
People diagnosed with CIS who received early treatment are less likely to convert to MS
Mediante una sencilla prueba óptica especializada es posible mostrar el efecto de los medicamentos en la EM
Optical coherence tomography may be used to test the effect of drugs in relapsing-remitting MS trials
Signos tempranos de esclerosis múltiple en familiares con riesgo elevado a padecer la enfermedad
Some family members of people with MS show possible early signs of the disease without symptoms
Biomarcador para predecir el riesgo a padecer EM tras un síndrome clínico aislado
A biomarker in cerebrospinal fluid is associated with a higher risk of MS in people with CIS
Lo más destacado en investigación de 2016
Professor Alan Thompson highlights some of 2016’s research discoveries in MS
Vitamina D neonatal y riesgo de EM
Further evidence shows the role of vitamin D in MS risk, especially during pregnancy
Inclusión completa para el nuevo ensayo clínico en EM progresiva
250 people with progressive MS are taking part in the SPRINT-MS trial for ibudilast
NR1H3 p.Arg415Gln no está asociado al riesgo de padecer esclerosis múltiple
A new study fails to replicate the role of a gene in developing primary progressive MS
Rituximab y esclerosis múltiple
A retrospective study of rituximab use in MS shows evidence for its safety and effectiveness
Cognición social y esclerosis múltiple
People with MS display increased deficiencies in social cognition
Latitud geográfica e inicio de la EM
People from countries with higher latitudes are found to have an earlier onset of MS
Más pruebas de la eficacia del alemtuzumab
Study shows alemtuzumab can improve pre-existing disability in relapsing-remitting MS
Diagnóstico erróneo de EM
Study identifies that migraine and fibromyalgia are frequently misdiagnosed as MS
¿Se puede evaluar la actividad y los ataques de la EM a través de revisiones oculares especializadas?
Researchers assess whether changes in the retina can be used as a marker of MS activity
Stem cell treatment in the news
Autologous Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (AHSCT) is being investigated as a treatment for MS
Alemtuzumab vs. interferon en EM remitente-recidivante
Study shows that alemtuzumab is more effective than interferon in reducing disease activity in relapsing remitting MS
La terapia de sustitución hormonal podría mejorar la calidad de vida física de las mujeres con EM
Researchers note a relationship between HRT and quality of life in women with MS after menopause
El uso de un nuevo medicamento parecido al fingolimod es seguro para personas con EM remitente-recidivante
A phase II trial shows safety and efficacy of amiselimod
¿Qué ocurrió en el congreso del ECTRIMS 2016?
Researchers and health professionals gather for the latest updates and research findings on treatment, care and management of MS
Síndrome de rebote tras la interrupción de la administración de fingolimod
Researchers find that suddenly stopping fingolimod may lead to severe worsening of symptoms in MS
Predicción de la discapacidad a largo plazo de la EM
Australian researchers aim to predict future worsening of disability in people with relapse-onset MS
El tratamiento de células madre detiene la progresión de la EM
Rebooting immune system provides long term relief for aggressive relapsing MS in Canadian study
La mitoxantrona y el riesgo de cáncer en la esclerosis múltiple
German study asks whether recipients of mitoxantrone are more likely than the general population to develop cancers
Un nuevo objetivo genético para la EM progresiva
A mutation in a gene called NR1H3 could increase the risk of progressive MS
La función de los microbios intestinales en la esclerosis múltiple
Researchers find a link between MS and microbes living in the gut
Embarazos consecutivos en EM
Research shows no difference in disease activity in successive pregnancies
2016 McDonald Fellowships and Du Pré Grantees announced
We are pleased to announce the recipients of our 2016 McDonald Fellowships and Du Pré grants
¿Qué ha pasado en ECTRIMS?
Our highlights from the world’s largest scientific conference on multiple sclerosis
Evolución a largo plazo de la discapacidad de la EM en la época del tratamiento
MRI is not a predictor of long term MS outcomes
Efectos a largo plazo del tratamiento temprano en personas con EM
Early treatment of clinically isolated syndrome shows beneficial effects for relapse rate and cognitive functioning
¿Están las lesiones cerebrales relacionadas con la disfunción sexual en las mujeres con EM?
Researchers investigate a link between brain lesions and severity of sexual issues in women with MS
Seguridad y eficacia del siponimod en la EM remitente-recidivante
Siponimod study shows reduced MS activity and low relapse rates with no new safety concerns
Efectos del consumo de sal en las recidivas de EM en los niños
Research in the USA finds no link between salt intake and time to relapse in children with MS
¿Influye la época en que se nace en el riesgo de desarrollar EM en el Reino Unido?
Researchers find that birth month affects the risk of MS in the UK
Efectos de un gen del sistema inmunitario en subtipos de EM y IRM
HLA alleles are found to be associated with brain atrophy and a younger age of MS onset in women
Uso de medicamentos para el síndrome metabólico en la esclerosis múltiple
Drugs used for metabolic syndrome may reduce MS activity in people with MS and obesity
Los cerebros de mayor tamaño pueden proteger de la discapacidad física
Research suggests that higher brain growth is linked to lower risk for disability progression in people with MS
Mediante una prueba ocular especializada es posible predecir la progresión de la EM
Retinal thickness can be used as a measure to predict worsening disability in MS
Eficacia de la rehabilitación de la memoria en las personas con EM
Review shows previous measures of memory rehabilitation were not reflective of daily life
Diferencias específicas de cada sexo en las afecciones comórbidas en la EM
Researchers find men with MS experience more chronic health problems at the time of diagnosis
¿Podrían los microbios del intestino desempeñar una función en la EM?
Microbes in the body’s gastrointestinal system appear to change how myelin genes are expressed in the brain
Alternativa al natalizumab en personas con riesgo de padecer infección cerebral
Swedish study favours rituximab over fingolimod for those at risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
¿Desempeña el origen étnico un papel en la neuromielitis óptica (NMO)?
The role of genes in NMO appears to vary depending on a person’s ethnicity
El consumo de café y el riesgo de padecer esclerosis múltiple
Research suggests that high consumption of coffee may protect brain cells from damage
El Natalizumab es más efectivo que el fingolimod a la hora de reducir recidivas
French researchers compare oral and injectable drugs for relapsing-remitting MS
El nuevo fármaco ozanimod podría ser una alternativa efectiva al fingolimod
An international study looks at the safety and efficacy of a drug similar to fingolimod
La obesidad y la EM
How common is obesity in people with MS and is it related to disability?
Un fármaco antiepiléptico podría proteger el sistema nervioso de los daños de la EM
A drug currently used to treat epilepsy could be used to protect cells in the optic nerve for people with all types of MS
Rituximab intratecal no es eficaz en el tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple progresiva
A recent study has failed to show any benefit for Rituximab in people with secondary progressive MS
Fingolimod no es eficaz en el tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple primaria progresiva
A new trial has failed to show Fingolimod has any effect of in primary-progressive MS
Investigación de la cognición para evaluar completamente el progreso de la EM
Study recommends including cognitive evaluation when measuring NEDA
Los ejercicios en casa pueden reducir el riesgo de caídas en los casos de EM
Step training is shown to be effective in improving stepping, standing balance, and coordination
Los tratamientos hormonales mejoran las recidivas de EM en las mujeres
Hormones released during pregnancy could be a potential treatment for relapsing remitting MS
La vitamina D y el inicio temprano de la EM
Genes, lifestyle, and environment in adolescence could be important factors in the development of MS
El sindrome radiológico aislado (RIS, por sus siglas en inglés) y la esclerosis múltiple primaria progresiva (EMPP)
People with RIS evolve to PPMS at the same frequency as expected from general MS populations
La disfunción sexual en la EM
Sexual dysfunction is a common but often overlooked and undertreated symptom in MS
El efecto de los esteroides orales es igual de eficaz que el de los intravenosos en el tratamiento de las recidivas
New data supports the use of oral steroid methylprednisolone to treat MS relapses
Resultados controvertidos de un nuevo estudio sobre la vitamina D
New research shows no association between increasing blood vitamin D levels and reduced inflammation in relapsing-remitting MS
23 answers on predicting disease progression and MRI
MS researcher Arman Eshaghi answers questions from around the world
Resultados de un estudio observacional a largo plazo sobre la EM
Long-term follow-up studies could help determine predictive factors for long-term clinical outcomes
Mejora de los diseños de ensayos clínicos en EM
Study suggests that longer observation time is necessary for more reliable results
Nuevo fármaco probado para la EM remitente-recidivante
Results show daclizumab to be effective in reducing relapse rate and new lesions in relapsing-remitting MS
Tratamiento recomendado después de dejar de tomar natalizumab
Switching from natalizumab to an alternative drug may prevent disease reactivation
Your chance to ask a young researcher about his work
Arman Eshaghi will answer your questions
Cast your vote
Which of these MS research areas would you like to hear more about?
Entrevista a Mauricio Farez
We spoke to an Argentinian researcher studying the correlation between melatonin and MS
Cast your vote
Which of these MS research areas would you like to hear more about?
Nuevo objetivo para entender la progresión secundaria de la EM
Chemical in the brain involved in signaling may play a role in progressive MS
Seguridad y eficacia confirmadas del fingolimod
The results of a seven-year follow-up study confirm the safety and efficacy of fingolimod
La lactancia exclusiva es segura después del parto
A German study shows that exclusive breastfeeding does not increase the risk of relapse after childbirth
MSIF and ECTRIMS hold first joint alumni event
Current and past fellows of MSIF and ECTRIMS come together in Barcelona to share experiences
¿Puede la melatonina mejorar la EM?
Study suggests that melatonin could be a possible cause of seasonal changes in MS disease activity
¿Qué pasó en la Jornada ‘Living with MS day’?
On 6 October, 650 people affected by MS gathered in Barcelona for the ‘Living with MS Day’ event
Ampliación de la información sobre los efectos positivos del Ocrelizumab en EM primaria progresiva
The results from a phase III clinical trial of Ocrelizumab in primary progressive MS are announced at ECTRIMS
La tomografía de coherencia óptica (TCO) como posible biomarcador de la EM
A recent study suggests OCT could be used as an indicator of neuronal damage in MS
Más pruebas para una región del cerebro involucrada en la fatiga en la EM
Research shows that certain brain structures involved in effort-reward functions play a role in fatigue in MS
Mejora de la capacidad de caminar con nabiximoles: resultados nuevos
A study to assess whether nabiximols could be used to improve walking in people with MS
Retraso del desarrollo de la esclerosis múltiple progresiva secundaria
Recovery from early relapses can potentially delay or prevent onset of progressive MS
Características de la esclerosis múltiple primaria progresiva
Researchers in Canada have investigated the natural history of 500 people with primary progressive MS
Factores predictivos del desarrollo de la EM
Identifying risk factors for developing further attacks and disability accumulation in patients with “clinically isolated syndrome"
Biomarcadores de la inflamación en la EM progresiva
There is a need to identify direct biomarkers of inflammation within the central nervous system
Lanzamiento oficial del Fondo de Investigación New Zealand Multiple Sclerosis Research Trust
A trust has launched in New Zealand to fund research to improve the lives of people with MS
Un método no invasivo para identificar la progresión de la EM
Researchers are looking for new biomarkers of disease, which could also recognise progression of MS in a reasonable time
Identificación temprana de la leucoencefalopatía multifocal progresiva en pacientes con natalizumab
A method for early detection of Natalizumab-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in the absence of clinical symptoms
Las células madre hematopoyéticas y la EM
The results of a multi-centre, phase II, randomized trial
Un nuevo tratamiento para la espasticidad y el dolor
Radial shock wave therapy has been used to treat spasticity and pain in Italy
La médula espinal se ve afectada en la fase temprana de la EM primaria progresiva
Study suggests that early spinal neurodegeneration may underlie clinical impairment
El tabaco empeora la EM
Evidence shows that smoking increases the risk of developing MS and accelerates disease progression