Off-label treatments for MS

MSIF's work relating to off-label DMTs for MS

Improving access to MS treatment and healthcare

Addressing barriers to accessing treatment at a global, regional and national level

Arreglar un sistema imperfecto a través de las voces de los que han vivido la experiencia

Find out more about the Global PROMS Initiative - Patient Reported Outcomes for MS

Investigadores consolidan el vínculo entre el virus de Epstein-Barr (VEB) y el riesgo de desarrollar EM

Does EBV cause MS?

Tratamiento de la EM durante el embarazo

MS affects at least twice as many more women than men, and it often strikes at an age when many people are thinking about starting or growing their families.

Un tratamiento intensivo temprano ofrece mejores resultados

New study shows that early use of high efficacy treatment for MS improves long term disability outcomes, rather than starting on a moderately effective therapy and escalating to a stronger medication.

Los avances en la investigación incrementan los cambios en el tratamiento de la EM

Studies show that improved MS medications and advances in MRI technology have led to an increased rate of doctors changing courses of MS treatment and a reduced tolerance of any sign of disease activity, with doctors more readily switching treatments in cases of low disease activity.

El sinuoso camino del avance de la EM

How the biological processes cause progression in different types of MS.

Primer tratamiento para la EM pediátrica aprobado en los EE. UU.

Fingolimod has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a treatment for children and young people aged 10 years and older with relapsing MS

El siponimod es una gran esperanza para las personas con EM secundaria progresiva

A new, international clinical trial has shown that siponimod can slow progression in people with secondary progressive MS.

Daclizumab ha sido retirado del mercado por motivos de seguridad

Resultados decepcionantes del ensayo de tratamiento para la CCSVI

Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) describes a potential reduction in blood flow in the major veins that drain blood from the brain and spinal cord over a prolonged period.

European Medicines Agency recommends market authorisation for ocrelizumab (Ocrevus) in EU

The EMA has recommended that ocrelizumab (Ocrevus), the first disease-modifying treatment for primary progressive MS (PPMS), be prescribed for adults with early primary progressive MS

El Profesor Per Soelberg Sørensen gana el prestigioso premio Charcot a la investigación de la esclerosis múltiple

Prof. Sørensen, one of the world’s prominent clinical neurologists in multiple sclerosis, recognised for lifetime achievement in improving understanding and treatment of MS.

El director ejecutivo de MS Research Australia celebra el importante papel de las nuevas tecnologías para transformar la vida de las personas que tienen esclerosis múltiple

Matthew Miles, Chief Executive of MS Research Australia, shared insights on how technology is revolutionising research, treatment, diagnosis, and more

EM Irlanda actúa

MS Ireland launches two major new publications on early treatment and diagnosis of MS

Un nuevo tratamiento para la espasticidad y el dolor

Radial shock wave therapy has been used to treat spasticity and pain in Italy