Lydia Makaroff


Patricia Gaillard Olokose

Senior Board, International Meetings and Governance Manager

Jo Pennell

Director of Finance & Resources

Jo Williams

HR & Office Manager

Barnaby Dumbell

Head of IT

Kerry Huntington

Head of Fundraising & Engagement

Shona Swan

Fundraising Campaigns Manager

George Heslop

Fundraising Officer

Abdelfatah Ibrahim

Head of Communications, Campaigns and Advocacy

Sarah Dobson

Senior Communications & Campaigns Manager

Lili White

Senior Communications and Campaigns Officer

Zoe Burr

Head of Organisational Development and Movement Building

Paulina Arce Casillas

Senior Organisational Development and Movement Building Manager

Annthadine O-Oyefeso

Organisational Development and Movement Building Manager

Douna Haj Ahmed

Organisational Development and Movement Building Officer

Anne Helme

Head of Research and Access

Rachel King

Senior International Evidence Manager