Marathons for Martina & Morgan
One marathon, once a month until I raise one million dollars!
Last updated: 5th October 2018
Sam Ryder “One marathon, once a month until I raise one million dollars!”
Sam Ryder
I have always admired people who raise money for charity. Whether they’re baking cakes, sitting in an ice bath or setting out on a sporting challenge – each requires dedication, time, energy and 100% commitment. That’s why I’ve never really done it…until now.
Two of my close friends are dealing with MS. They are young, beautiful, inspiring women who mean the world to me. Like every other person suffering from this disease, they shouldn’t be. Martina and Morgan, two very different women, connected by Multiple Sclerosis.
I met Martina when I was at sixth form college. She had been living in England for only a few years, her parents returned to the UK from South Africa. Martina and I have been friends for more than 20 years, it’s possible she has had the disease for the majority of this time, only recently has she been diagnosed. Her wise ways and inspirational comments have stuck with me since the early days “Sam, you cannot be truly happy with anyone until you are happy with yourself,” words I have always tried to live by.
Morgan and I met when I was living in Canada. During the year that I spent living in Toronto and St Catharines in 2004-2005, Morgan was my ‘go-to’ girl. Full of life and love, she took me under her wing and made sure that there was never a dull moment. She also introduced me to some of the most amazing people that I am still friends with today. Morgan has also recently been diagnosed with MS after battling thyroid cancer a few years before.
Morgan says, “Sam and I met 13 years ago. She was the cool British girl who was spunky, kind and like myself loved a great beer. She came to Canada as a journalist and started working at the local radio station where a few of my other friends had already been working. She instantly became a very close friend and confidant. Sam and I haven’t seen each other for years but she’s always remained in my life and will always be someone special to me. When she found out I was diagnosed with MS last year, she instantly jumped on my band wagon and has since shared a part of my journey, through fundraising, kind words, support and friendship.”
But, I can only do this with your help—Every donation, every dollar, and every penny will make a difference, and together we can Kiss Goodbye to MS, once and for all.
The Challenge
One marathon, once a month until I raise one million dollars!
It’s super easy to sit in your lounge telling yourself you’re going to raise a million US dollars for charity – yeah, no problem! Boy have I had a big old boot up the backside! Raising money for charity is massive!
Since January, I have to be honest and say that I’ve not really raised too much. I thought that running an ultra marathon (250km across the desert) would have encouraged people to give more generously. But it’s tough. People just don’t have money to give right now – I understand that completely. But I’m not giving up, and I hope you’re not giving up on me either.
Even if this challenge takes me 10 years – I will just have to keep on running. I myself cannot afford to keep trekking to different countries and indeed continents to run a unique marathon every month, so my plan is to run a marathon each month wherever I am.
One marathon, once a month until I raise one million dollars!
Ultimately, I’d like to Forest Gump it and just keep running until I don’t want to anymore…a pipe dream perhaps – but one day…
Sam’s blog
January 5th 2018
“And so it begins…with full knowledge that the road ahead will be as undulating as the alpine mountains I live by, and littered with pit stops of ‘what the hell am I doing’ and ‘are we there yet’…but deep down, I know I’m doing something pretty damn awesome – not necessarily for me, but for everyone suffering from MS.
I have to say, it’s cool to think that every step I take is another dollar to helping research into the illness.
Anyhow, the booze is no more – until I get into that much-needed shower after 7 days of running and sit there sipping on a cold beer…(pauses to momentarily consider the pending taste…May 2018 can’t come quick enough…)
January 1st I ran 20km. January 2nd I ran 15km. From here on in, my daily run can consist of no less than 10km…the hills around here are pretty steep which is good for the training…the sand dunes will be kind to no one…
However, 250km awaits, so, as the saying goes… ‘Suck it up, Sam’.
…and as the song goes…please don’t forget…”I need a dollar, dollar, a dollar is all I need” – from each and every one of you if you can spare it.
Many thanks and stay tuned…”