World MS Day 2017
World MS Day 2017 takes place on 31st May and the theme is #LifewithMS
Last updated: 15th May 2017

This year, we’re asking people across the globe to share their tips for living well with MS.
Whether it’s how you manage stress and fatigue or how you deal with balance problems, sharing your advice could make a huge difference to someone else.
Social Media
Join the conversation by recording a short video with your tips and sharing it on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
You can also share an image or simply write your suggestions in a Facebook status or Tweet. Just include the #LifewithMS hashtag and your post will be featured on the World MS Day website!
Be sure to check out our campaign toolkit, packed full of materials for you to download, edit, and share on social media.
Organise an event
Fancy getting your community involved? Then why not organise an event for World MS Day! The World MS Day events map is now live on our website – be sure to upload details of your event (you can write in any language) and search the map to see what’s on in your area!
Check out our toolkit of materials for social media!
Take a look at our World MS Day events map and add your event!
Get tips and ideas for your event.