MS Ireland shares results of first national survey into the needs of people with MS
“My MS, My Needs” survey results help MS Ireland to improve services and advance advocacy work for people with MS.
Last updated: 27th September 2017

MS Ireland has released the results of the first comprehensive survey into the needs of people with MS in Ireland.
The results of the “My MS My Needs” survey will help MS Ireland to plan its services, shape its ongoing advocacy work, and identify gaps in service provision, offering hope to the 9000 people in the country who live with MS.
Gathered in 2016, the survey data has already helped to shape MS Ireland’s Advocacy Strategy and is now being used to develop several new projects, including a national consultation on home care and professional resources about employment issues that affect people with MS.
The report was compiled in collaboration with a researcher from Trinity College, Dublin.
Ava Battles, CEO of MS Ireland, celebrated the release of the report.
“I am delighted to present the results of MS Ireland’s My MS My Needs survey”, she commented. “This is the first such survey of its kind and our intention is to repeat it in the future.
MS Ireland would like to acknowledge and thank the UK MS Society, who gave permission for us to use the design and concept of their “My MS My Needs” survey for this project.
Read the full article (link opens in new window).