Russian MS Society reflects on learnings from MSIF 50th anniversary meetings
At MSIF’s recent 50th anniversary meetings, Igor Tsykorin, president of the Russian MS Society, became the first Russian delegate in an almost a decade to join other members for an MSIF meeting. Here, Igor shares his reflections on the event.
Last updated: 31st October 2017
MSIF 50th Anniversary Board Meetings, London
Al Hanaa MS Society
MSIF’s 50th anniversary board meetings brought together representatives of MS organisations from around the world to mark 50 years of the global MSIF movement. As well as being an opportunity to reflect on past achievements and share best practice, the meetings also gave us the chance to explore new beginnings and share hopes for the future.
This year, the movement welcomed the first visit of the new president of the [Russian MS Society] to an MSIF meeting. Igor Tsykorin, president of the Russian MS Society, was supported by MSIF to join other members in London for a variety of dynamic discussions, interactive workshops, and informative presentations. It was the first visit of a Russian delegate to an MSIF meeting in almost ten years. Igor was elected president of the Russian MS Society in 2016, having volunteered with the organisation since 2004 and founding a chapter in greater Moscow. Here are Igor’s reflections from the event.
“The meeting was an enriching experience, both in terms of improving tools to achieve organisational goals and in terms of having a better picture of the international MS arena. Governance meetings helped to clarify how MSIF works and which opportunities there are to be involved, or to form alliances.”
“The discussion of the strategy was very relevant, helping to visualise the programs that will be at the forefront of the international movement and to plan “thinking global, acting local”. Finally, group discussion exercises created a welcoming atmosphere to share the successes and failures of the Russian MS Society with those for whom this information can be of practical use.”
“It was an opportunity to connect with many inspiring people, and I am sure that these September meetings will turn into productive and joyful collaborations – like the one with Kyoko Nakata from Japan, who was so kind to agree to participate digitally in our November Patients’ Congress and share her leadership examples.”