Our strategy
Together we're stronger than MS
Last updated: 10th December 2024
2023-2027 strategy for the global MSIF movement
Together with everybody in our member organisations, and all those connected to us, we form a global MS movement. This is our common strategy to bring the world together with urgency, to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of everybody affected by MS, and to end MS forever.
In a changing and challenging world, the MS International Federation (MSIF) and its members connect to align our efforts and resources to be stronger together.
Working together across the globe, we boost scientific progress to prevent, treat and stop MS. We strive for a world where everyone living with MS can access treatments. MSIF provides opportunities to connect, innovate, share tools, skills, experiences, and become stronger together. We benefit from our partnerships with research communities and health professionals all around the world. We also leverage our relations with the global NGO community, and intergovernmental organisations to further our common goals. Where new MS organisations emerge we will include them, help them grow, and in return others in the movement will benefit from their experience and contributions.
Together we will inspire and grow the global movement to place MS higher on the global health agenda, and to tackle the challenges for everyone affected by MS.

Our aims
Our three aims show the impact we aim to achieve as a movement. These aims are all connected and mutually support each other.

Download our strategy to find out more about how we plan to make a difference.