العطلات ‎الميسرة

Examples of accessible resorts and services shared by our members

Teresa’s story

Teresa was diagnosed with MS 24 years ago. To celebrate World MS Day 2015 she walked a mile for each year she’s had MS.

"رسوم توضيحية من الجمعية الإسبانية للتصلب العصبي المتعدد تحمل اسم "نصائح لتحسين جودة الحياة

Multiple Sclerosis Spain has launched a new illustration with tips to help improve quality of life for those with MS.

James D Wolfensohn Award winners

Winners of the James D. Wolfensohn Award come from all over the world

World MS Day 2010

The second World MS Day took place in 2010 with the theme 'Employment'

AEDEM COCEMFE تُدشن برنامجًا جديدًا لدعم الأشخاص في منازلهم

A Spanish government funded scheme will help people to overcome different barriers

Cast your vote

Which of these MS research areas would you like to hear more about?

Cast your vote

Which of these MS research areas would you like to hear more about?

Highlights from the ‘Living with MS Day’

On 6 October, 650 people affected by MS gathered in Barcelona for the ‘Living with MS Day’ event

جائزة ولفنسون 2015

Ahmed Darwish from Egypt has won the 2015 James D. Wolfensohn Award

احتفال موظفي الاتحاد الدولي لمرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد باليوم العالمي لمرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد

Find out how staff from the MSIF office in London celebrated World MS Day

الخلايا الجذعية المكونة للدم ومرض التصلب المتعدد

The results of a multi-centre, phase II, randomized trial

التدريب الداخلي مدفوع الأجر للأشخاص الذين يعانون من مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد

Believe and Achieve is a programme of paid internships for young people with MS

أدلة جديدة تؤكد على أن ممارسة التمارين الرياضية يمكن لها أن تقلل مستوى إنترفيرون الدم والإرهاق لدي المرضى

New evidence that exercise could reduce patients’ blood interferon level and fatigue

المتخصصون الأسبان قاموا بالتدريب في مجال الصحة النفسية

The main aim was to share knowledge about emotions and stress and their effect on health

المؤشرات الحيوية الجديدة للتنبؤ بالتقدم في مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد

Neurofilaments are a good way to monitor nerve damage and treatments in progressive MS

تطوير تشخيص مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد

Over 35 per cent of patients with clinically isolated syndrome were diagnosed earlier when applying the 2010 McDonald Criteria

يعلن الاتحاد عن المنح البحثية الخاصة بمرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد التقدمي

The Progressive MS Alliance has awarded its first round of 22 research grants to investigators in nine countries

EMSP and RIMS social media conference

The conference was the first joint event for RIMS and EMSP

International Day for Persons with Disabilities

Monday 2 December was the International Day for Persons with Disabilities