خريطة جديدة تغيّر فهمنا للخلايا المناعية في الدماغ

A new international study has mapped a type of immune cell, the microglia, in the human and mouse brain for the first time. Microglia are thought to play a role in the progression of MS. This research has changed the understanding of how these cells function, and has important implications for MS.

العلاج المكثّف المبكّر يؤدي إلى نتائج أفضل

New study shows that early use of high efficacy treatment for MS improves long term disability outcomes, rather than starting on a moderately effective therapy and escalating to a stronger medication.

الحساسية للطعام قد ترتبط بمزيدٍ من انتكاسات التصلّب العصبي المتعدد

In a recent study, scientists have shown that people with MS who have food allergies are more likely to experience clinical attacks and lesions in the brain than those without allergies or with other allergies that are unrelated to food.

التعامل مع الميالين (النخاعين)

Australian researchers have found that the electrical activity of nerve cells in the brain plays an important role in the growth of myelin. This laboratory discovery may lead to new interventions to promote myelin repair in MS.

دواء مضاد للاكتئاب قد يعالج التصلّب المتعدد المترقّي

Screening of almost 250 medications has identified clomipramine as a possible treatment for progressive MS.

الطباعة الثلاثية الأبعاد تساعد في اكتشاف دواء للتصلّب المتعدد

Scientists have used 3D printing to create a model that could be used to aid MS drug discovery.