Tag: latin america
In the lab with Dr María José Ulloa Navas
Step into the lab and meet Dr María José Ulloa Navas, a talented MS researcher from Ecuador. María José spoke with MSIF about her career so far, what drives her, and how she helps people affected by MS in her home country of Ecuador.
Thank you masks from Brazil
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to MS organisations across the world, and the Associação Brasileira de Esclerose Múltipla (ABEM) in Brazil is no exception.
Make them listen: The four-year fight for access in Chile
The Corporación Esclerosis Múltiple Chile shares the secrets of their success in improving access to treatment.
MSIF in Latin America
Earlier this month our CEO Peer Baneke and Head of Capacity Building Zoe Burr travelled to Buenos Aires