Uninterrupted – personal stories about the realities of MS
MS Australia launches a new blogging platform for people affected by MS
Last updated: 11th August 2015

Every case of MS is different but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t many things people with MS share and experience together.
Often sharing these experiences or hearing how one person has tackled obstacles can make all the difference.
Sharing stories
Uninterrupted, MS Australia‘s new blogging platform, is an opportunity for people affected by MS whether they are carers, loved ones or have MS themselves, to share their stories and experiences and to connect and hear from others.
Some of the topics discussed on the platform include: advocating change, stem cell research, treatments, lifestyle, and tackling obstacles.
On the platform, you can follow a select group of personal stories discussing the realities of MS. You can read and comment on these blogs, and share your own experiences too.
You can read more stories from people living with MS around the world here.