Relevant publications

Publications from MSIF and other stakeholders in support of work on access to MS healthcare.

Situación global de las patentes de los tratamientos modificadores de la enfermedad (TME)

Collaborating with the Medicines Patent Pool as MSIF continues work on improving access to MS treatments

Vacaciones inclusivas y accesible para todos

Examples of accessible resorts and services shared by our members

Off-label treatments for MS

MSIF's work relating to off-label DMTs for MS

Essential medicines for MS

Advocating for the addition of MS treatments to the WHO Essential Medicines List

Improving access to MS treatment and healthcare

Addressing barriers to accessing treatment at a global, regional and national level

La prevalencia y la gravedad de la esclerosis múltiple en todo el mundo: ¿pueden las investigaciones nuevas explicar los patrones?

Studies provide insight into the links between MS prevalence, severity, latitude and healthcare spending

La Asamblea Mundial de la Salud aprobó un importante plan mundial de 10 años para mejorar la atención a las personas afectadas por enfermedades neurológicas

MSIF supports the adoption of the WHO's intersectoral global action plan on epilepsy and other neurological disorders, including MS

Igualdad de acceso a la asistencia para las personas con trastornos neurológicos en todo el mundo

This was written by Joanna Laurson-Doube for OneNeurology on World Brain Day.

The next steps for improving access to MS treatments around the world

MSIF’s international working group on access comes together to advance the global agenda on access to treatments

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The Convention was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2006

La campaña a favor del rituximab en Irak

Al-Hayat Association in Iraq has successfully lobbied the Ministry of Health to provide better access to the MS treatment, rituximab. The campaign is part of the organisation’s aim to secure a range of treatments for people with MS in Iraq. Learn more about their campaign success.

The global MSIF movement gathers in Athens

People with MS, caregivers and MS organisations from across the world come together

MSIF visita las organizaciones de EM de Taiwán y Corea del Sur

In August Sarah Dobson, MSIF’s Senior Communications and Campaigns Officer, met with local MS organisations in Taiwan and South Korea.

Háganlos escuchar - La batalla de cuatro años por el acceso en Chile.

The Corporación Esclerosis Múltiple Chile shares the secrets of their success in improving access to treatment.

Employment and MS

Global MS employment report shows many people with MS are leaving employment earlier than necessary

World MS Day 2014

The theme for World MS Day 2014 was access

Playa inclusiva habilitada para el baño en Rusia

People with MS test out new accessible facilities