
The MS International Federation draws on the expertise of its members, people with MS and others

Du Pré Grant recipients

These researchers have received Du Pré Grants to enable them to work in established MS research centres outside their own country

Global MS research fellowships

A selection of fellowships and grants open to MS researchers around the world

Progressive MS research

The International Progressive MS Alliance works to speed up the development of treatment for progressive MS

Vanessa’s story

Along with five friends, Vanessa spent the last few days of 2015 climbing Kilimanjaro for the MS cause

Los síntomas de la EM pueden comenzar cinco años antes del diagnóstico

Canadian research shows people with MS are more likely than the general population to visit a doctor or hospital in the years leading up to an MS diagnosis.

MS Connect: Participa de la conferencia de investigación de la MS Society of Canada

Register for the MS Connect conference for the latest MS research updates

Hamburguesas para vencer la EM

The MS Society of Canada’s Burgers to Beat MS campaign raises over $2 million for MS. Find out what they learned along the way.

Las personas con EM que presentan otros problemas de salud tienen más probabilidades de sufrir recaídas

Canadian study finds people with MS who have additional health conditions face a greater risk of having a relapse than those without other diseases.

El estudio muestra que la toma de medicamentos para la EM siguiendo las indicaciones mejora la salud general

Canadian research reveals the positive effects of taking MS medications as prescribed on a person's general health

Resultados decepcionantes del ensayo de tratamiento para la CCSVI

Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) describes a potential reduction in blood flow in the major veins that drain blood from the brain and spinal cord over a prolonged period.

James D Wolfensohn Award winners

Winners of the James D. Wolfensohn Award come from all over the world

La Asociación Canadiense de EM se reúne con 75 parlamentarios en dos días

MS Society of Canada working hard to educate decision makers on MS

El tratamiento de células madre detiene la progresión de la EM

Rebooting immune system provides long term relief for aggressive relapsing MS in Canadian study

¿Qué ha pasado en ECTRIMS?

Our highlights from the world’s largest scientific conference on multiple sclerosis

Diferencias específicas de cada sexo en las afecciones comórbidas en la EM

Researchers find men with MS experience more chronic health problems at the time of diagnosis


The MS Society of Canada asks Canadians to pledge, donate and share

Características de la esclerosis múltiple primaria progresiva

Researchers in Canada have investigated the natural history of 500 people with primary progressive MS

Un ensayo canadiense relacionado con la terapia con células madre

The Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Canadian MS Patients Study is part of a larger international research effort

Futuros tratamientos para la EM

Ethyl pyruvate and dimethyl fumarate both have a number of anti-inflammatory effects relevant to MS

¿Huyes o luchas?

MS Society of Canada asks Canadians whether they will flee or fight when it comes to MS

Alliance anuncia becas de investigación para la EM progresiva

The Progressive MS Alliance has awarded its first round of 22 research grants to investigators in nine countries

Progressive MS meeting in Milan

The first scientific meeting of the International Progressive MS Collaborative took place in Milan, Italy

MS International Federation announces first wave of 2014 Du Pré Grants

The MS International Federation has announced its first six Du Pré Grants for 2014