Oumaima, Morocco

'We always have hope that things will be better in the future and that one day we will manage to find a final cure for MS. Until that time, we have to follow the latest research.'

Solicitud de la MSIF para la Lista de Medicamentos Esenciales

Efforts to improve access to MS treatments continue

Los cambios en el volumen cerebral pueden ser un indicador clave para la progresión de la EM

New research suggests the rate of brain atrophy, or brain shrinkage, may be an important indicator of disease progression in MS.

Primer tratamiento para la EM pediátrica aprobado en los EE. UU.

Fingolimod has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a treatment for children and young people aged 10 years and older with relapsing MS

El uso de un nuevo medicamento parecido al fingolimod es seguro para personas con EM remitente-recidivante

A phase II trial shows safety and efficacy of amiselimod

Síndrome de rebote tras la interrupción de la administración de fingolimod

Researchers find that suddenly stopping fingolimod may lead to severe worsening of symptoms in MS

Alternativa al natalizumab en personas con riesgo de padecer infección cerebral

Swedish study favours rituximab over fingolimod for those at risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

El Natalizumab es más efectivo que el fingolimod a la hora de reducir recidivas

French researchers compare oral and injectable drugs for relapsing-remitting MS

El nuevo fármaco ozanimod podría ser una alternativa efectiva al fingolimod

An international study looks at the safety and efficacy of a drug similar to fingolimod

Fingolimod no es eficaz en el tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple primaria progresiva

A new trial has failed to show Fingolimod has any effect of in primary-progressive MS

Tratamiento recomendado después de dejar de tomar natalizumab

Switching from natalizumab to an alternative drug may prevent disease reactivation

El cambio a fármacos modificadores de la enfermedad de segunda línea

Study shows that switching to natalizumab is more effective than switching to fingolimod

Eficacia, seguridad y tolerancia a largo plazo del fingolimod

Fingolimod is effective in reducing relapses and brain volume loss

Decepcionantes resultados del ensayo con fingolimod en la EM primaria progresiva

The results suggest that primary progressive and relapsing forms of MS have different underlying mechanisms

Las mujeres de bajo peso tratadas con fingolimod sufren un riesgo más elevado de padecer linfopenia

Underweight women and patients with low baseline lymphocyte counts should be monitored more closely