Tag: life with MS
Envejecer con esclerosis múltiple
Live well with MS as you get older
Una guía sobre envejecer con esclerosis múltiple
Explore our new booklet for people affected by MS: ‘Living well with MS as you grow older’
Adaptar tu estilo de vida: una guía para personas con EM
MS Research Australia has released a lifestyle guide packed with practical and evidence-based recommendations for living well with MS. The guide looks at nine lifestyles areas, investigating their impact on MS in light of recent scientific research. Learn more and explore the latest MS tips for diet, vitamin D and beyond!
La Asociación Portuguesa de EM (SPEM) lanza un nuevo servicio de asistencia en línea
New Support Line will provide information and support, as well as jobs for people living with MS
MS Ireland publica los resultados del primer estudio nacional sobre las necesidades de las personas con EM
“My MS, My Needs” survey results help MS Ireland to improve services and advance advocacy work for people with MS.
La Asociación Polaca de Esclerosis Múltiple organiza un animado concierto con una gran asistencia de público y celebra debates sobre cómo es vivir con esclerosis múltiple
Several thousand people came to see performances from popular artists and learn about MS in a series of debates
La Asociación Alemana de EM (DMSG, por sus siglas en alemán) lanza un nuevo proyecto cinematográfico para TV y las redes sociales
New film project from the German MS Society (DMSG) featuring people with MS to air on German television
El Día Mundial de la EM está a la vuelta de la esquina...
Sharing tips for #LifewithMS and events for World MS Day
EM Irlanda actúa
MS Ireland launches two major new publications on early treatment and diagnosis of MS
Curación creativa: cómo las actividades creativas pueden suavizar los síntomas de la EM
Stories from MS Australia show the power of the Creative Arts to improve health and wellbeing