The Fondation pour l’Aide à la Recherche sur la Sclérose En Plaques (Fondation ARSEP) has become MS International Federation’s second supporting organisation.

Fondation ARSEP was founded in 1969 and became a foundation in 2010. Based in Paris, Fondation ARSEP:

  • awards €2 million to some 40 French and international collaborative MS research projects and travel grants each year
  • communicates medical and scientific advances to the public via a newsletter and annual events
  • communicates with the medical and scientific community via an annual congress and workshop
  • raises MS awareness and funds through supporting sporting events.

As a supporting organisation, Fondation ARSEP will be further integrated with the global MS movement, participating in MS International Federation’s projects and programmes; contributing to our strategic priorities and interacting with and obtaining support, guidance and advice from international networks of MS professionals, groups and organisations in the global MS movement.

MS International Federation’s member organisation in France is the Ligue Française contre la Sclérose en Plaques (the League). As a supporting organisation, Fondation ARSEP undertakes to communicate and network with the League.

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