Tawasol – March 2017 issue
Latest news from 16 organisations in the Arab region
Last updated: 10th April 2017
‘Tawasol’ (which translates to ‘communicate’) is our newsletter for MS organisations in the Arab region. Each issue features news from MS organisations, as well as a profile of a person who is involved with the MS movement.
In the March issue of Tawasol 16 organisations from 11 countries have shared their news:
- Algeria: The Algerian Federation of MS
- Algeria: The MS Society in Loran
- Algeria: Nourane Association for People with Multiple Sclerosis
- Bahrain: Bahraini MS Society
- Egypt: MS Care Society
- Iraq: Al Hayah MS Society
- Jordan: MS Society in Jordan
- Kuwait: Kuwaiti MS Association
- Lebanon: Friends of MS at AUBMC
- Lebanon: The Society of Lebanese Friends of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis (ALSEP)
- Morocco: HANA Multiple Sclerosis Patients Association
- Morocco: Moroccan MS Association (AMMASEP)
- Morocco: North of Morocco MS Society (NORDMASEP)
- Saudi Arabia: Arfa MS Society
- Tunisian: Tunisian MS Association (ATSEP)
- Yemen: MS Society in Aden
In addition, we also had a contribution from Marie Vaillant, MSIF Board member and Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Ontario & Nunavut Division Chair, on involving the MS community in decision-making.
You can view the full newsletter in Arabic here: https://issuu.com/arabmsorg_mar2013/docs/march_2017
Here are the highlights from this issue
Friends of MS at AUBMC in Lebanon held a fundraising event to support people with MS in Naema and Theresa centre, supported and attended by the vice-prime Minister and Minister of Public Health, Ghasan Hasbani and attended by the State Minister of Anti-corruption, Nicola Touini
The Bahraini MS Society organised an awareness raising week and to held the second Gulf forum for MS organisations.
The MS Society in Loran took part in a training course on the of 'Nasig' project framework facilitated by Handicap International and supported by the national fund for small loans.
The Nourane MS Society in Setif, Algeria supported the cost of MRI scans for a number of people with MS.
The Tunisian MS Association (ATSEP) organised a number of educational days where a range of medical lectures were delivered.
The President of the MS Society in Aden (Yemen) gave a media interview where he spoke about the society's aims and the activities they are carrying out in the interest of people with MS.
The Moroccan MS Association (AMMASEP) organised an exchange meeting between MS organisations from different Moroccan cities.
MS Care Society in Egypt opened its new premises with attendance of the board members, volunteers and people with MS.
The Algerian Federation for MS participated in an awareness day and started preparing for World MS Day celebrations.
The president of the Kuwaiti MS Association met with the Minister of Social Affairs and Work, Hend El Soubieh as well as Minister of Health, Dr. Jamal Elharbi, to discuss the needs of people.
Over the last three months, the MS Society in Jordan has organised psychological support workshops benefiting 50 women with MS.
The Al Hayah MS Society in Iraq participated in a workshop in Beirut supported by the Medical Centre of the American University as part of a capacity building programme for civil society organisations.
North of Morocco MS Society in Tetouan (NORDMASEP) organised a medical seminar about treatment and the latest news.
The Arfa MS Society in Saudi Arabia held its first charity dinner, called “the orange scarf” with support and attendance from H.E Princess Abir Bent Faysal Bin Turkey, spouse of the Prince of the Eastern province.
The Al Hana MS Society in Fes, Morocco participated in an MSIF organised workshop , along with other Moroccan MS organisations. They agreed on the principles of a joint collaboration, and identified and agreed common needs.
The Society of Lebanese Friends of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis (ALSEP) was one of the organisations selected to participate in an EU supported project aiming to promote effective citizenship. It will be implemented by the Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development.